Re: Speaking of finger?

Richard Allen (
Fri, 14 Oct 1994 06:48:48 +0000 (GMT)

> Does anyone have a configurable, simple fingerd that they could share?
> I'd like something that does logging, but other than that, I have few
> requirements.  I've looked at GNU finger (way too complex) and the
> linux fingerd (no logging).
> 	Are there other suggestions?

Yes..  try sfingerd from Laurent Demailly <>

It's available on:*.tar.gz

-               Richard Allen, Systems/Network Administrator               -
-              Orkustofnun, National Energy Authority Iceland              -
-  Snail mail:         Grensasvegi 9, IS-108 REYKJAVIK, Iceland            -
-  E-mail (Internet):                                            -
-  telephone: +354-1-696006, fax: +354-1-688896, telex: 2339 orkust is     -
-                                                                          -
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